Share the Love: Giving Hearts Day and Valentine’s Day
Two words for Giving Hearts Day... Holy crap!!! I have to say, this event really sunk its teeth into me this year. Maybe it’s because it’s 5:30 in the afternoon and they’re already at 3.4 million dollars or maybe it’s because of all the people I know that are involved in this thing. I guess I would have to say it is both of those things!Throughout the last four and a half years of working at Promotional Solutions I have been exposed to a network of extraordinary people. Believe it or not, most of these people are tied into Giving Hearts Day somehow. They might be employed with a non-profit, volunteer their time, or just donate some money, but most of these extraordinary people get involved in some way. Then you have to think about what makes extraordinary people different and in most cases you will be able to say the clichéd “they always think bigger.” So in trying to live up to some of these pioneers of “big picture” thinking, I’m going to encourage anyone who is reading this blog to “think big.”How? Let’s start with tomorrow’s Valentine’s Day and then we’ll move on to next year’s Giving Hearts Day. You might have a personal valentine for tomorrow and you might not, but either way, you should try to think of one more valentine that you can reward with your affection. Don’t think about “poor single me” or “I’m so lucky to be with...” think about someone that could use a pick me up, a free gift (maybe with your logo on it!?), or even just a friendly conversation. If we all can do that (single, non-single) then everyone could be a little happier on Valentine’s Day. Or... you can go on thinking Valentine’s Day is about how you feel and I’m sure everything else will just fall into place. Pause not.So, about Giving Hearts Day 2015... First of all, anything over $10 gets matched by Dakota Medical Foundation. Start thinking about how your $50 can become $100, your $200 can become $400 and so on!!! Start putting that change away now so next year you can double down on Giving Hearts Day and be a for sure winner. Do you think you can’t part with $100? What’s that going to buy you? A couple movie tickets and maybe a dinner for two? That $100, pooled with the other donations and then doubled will change lives... hundreds of lives!Make sure to check out tomorrow to see what the total was for 2014!- Matt Oye