What's That Mean?!

What’s That Mean?In an industry as vast as the promotional products industry, there are a lot of strange words that we throw around that most people don’t quite understand. This is going to be my first installment of “WHAT’S THAT MEAN”.Yoke Imprint: This certainly doesn’t have anything to do with an egg.When we talk about a yoke imprint around these parts, we mean centered at the base of the neck.To break it down further, the term yoke originally comes from sewing patterns. If you think of a men’s dress shirt, the area across the upper back is commonly know as a yoke of a shirt. That is why it’s referred to as a yoke imprint.Plunger: This term has an instant connection to the bathroom.In our industry however, it does not. In our little bubble here, the plunger is the clicky part of the pen. You know, the part of the pen you push to get the tip to come out to start writing?A plunger will only be present on a click style writing instrument, but won’t be present on other styles – like a cap pen or a twist pen.If you are actually looking for an imprinted plunger for the ACTUAL bathroom, we can do those, too. Just make sure you’re clear on what you are asking us for. Otherwise, you might get a shipment of click pens.PMS: This doesn’t mean what most women dread. In the world of all things print, PMS stands for Pantone Matching System. Basically, it’s a way to standardize colors.When someone says they want a blue imprint, think about how many different shades of blue there are. If you have a specific PMS color for that blue, we can reference it and no matter who prints it, the color will always come out the same. PMS Colors described by the number assigned to it. It’s really quite handy – unlike the OTHER kind of PMS. JSo, this has been round 1 of WHAT’S THAT MEAN?! If you have any terms that you would like defined by me, please feel free to submit.Also, if you are in need of imprinted plungers, let me know. I think that would be a great addition to my promotional wall of fame.Until next time – Shannon Kirby


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