Wufoo… Bless You!
Gathering answers from a group of people causes a major headache most of the time. Have you ever tried sending a long e-mail with a huge list of important questions only to the get a reply back with answers to only 1 of those questions? Having to fish for information gets super old, right?! Well, we here to share with you the fancy tool we’ve been using to gather data in the most easy and painless manner we know of.Want to know how many of your employees would like to choose the apparel available in your online store? Or maybe you need to gather people’s contact information for a large event? If you want the easiest solution either of these scenarios, or others, let me formally introduce you to Wufoo, the website that might just become your new best friend!So what is this Wufoo that we speak of? No, contrary to what you may think, it’s not me sneezing every other sentence! First, you should take a look at our Wufoo form in action, here: http://promotingus.com/contact/. We’ve been using Wufoo at PS for a couple years now… you could even call us the Wufoo gurus if you want! We have made forms for everything from basketball brackets (remember March Mattness, anyone?!) to company “contact us” forms to employee apparel order forms.Our most recent project with Wufoo was an employee appreciation project for the Anne Carlsen Center. For this project, they came up with the idea to offer bundle packages to their employees so they had plenty of options to choose from. Plus, they wanted to be able to offer it to them… FOR FREE! So, with the help of Wufoo and a little bit of magic, we were able to help make their brainchild come to life. With their customized form, we set up 8 pre-determined packages so that employees could choose and order whatever package they liked best. As with most technology, there were a few glitches along the way, but overall, the form worked extremely well and made the order collection super easy for everyone involved. In the end, we gathered and distributed package orders for over 500 employees! Having an awesome tool, Wufoo, to do a lot of the legwork for us is what helped transform this project into a huge success!If I haven’t intrigued you enough already, another awesome thing about Wufoo forms is that they can be used directly within your Wordpress website or in conjunction with your e-commerce store through PS. So now that your ideas are rolling and you’re ready to learn more about the customized form we can create for you, get ahold of one of our Product Marketing Specialists... I’ll cover the details!- Shelby Zach